IMPACT2 Model Schematic Long Description
This slide is a schematic blueprint of the “IMPACT2 Model” diagram. It depicts the five sequential stages: Context, Baseline, Intervention Approaches, Outcome Covariates, and Outcomes, with the elements of each stage illustrated with empty boxes under each stage. A prominent arrow shows movement points across the top from the left side to the right side of the slide demonstrating the linear nature of the model. An additional stage, Pre-Intervention, is in the lower left corner. An arrow connects the pre-intervention stage to the Context stage.
This model consists of a horizontal flowchart, with an additional section on the lower left corner leading into the horizontal flowchart. This schematic outline begins with the first stage, the Pre-Intervention stage, located in the lower left corner of the slide. It consists of a white rectangular box with the words “PRE-INTERVENTION” inside of it. Above this box is a larger light purple box with two yellow rectangular boxes vertically stacked inside of it. There is a black arrow pointing upward from this stage to the next stage, Context. The context stage is the beginning of the horizontal flowchart. This stage consists of a white rectangular box with the word “CONTEXT” inside of it. Below this box is a vertically aligned green rectangular box, with a smaller yellow box layered on top of it, and another smaller white vertically aligned box layered on top of the yellow one. A black arrow points from this set of boxes to the right to a blue box, representing the Baseline stage. Above the blue box is a white box with the word “BASELINE” in it. From the blue box extends another black arrow to the right pointing to another stage, the intervention approaches. This stage is depicted by six rectangular boxes aligned vertically, one above the other. There are black vertical lines on either side of these boxes that connect to each box in a ladder like manner. Each box is a light yellow color except the third box from the top, which is pink and has a gray shadow behind it. Above this stack of boxes is a white box with the words “INTERVENTION APPROACHES” inside of it. From this stage emerges another black arrow that extends to the right and goes behind a small orange box and ends at a blue box. Above the small orange box is a white rectangular box containing the words “OUTCOMES COVARIATES”. A larger orange box with a shadow behind it extends from the small orange box, and is located beneath the small orange box. A white rectangular box is located above the blue box and contains the word “OUTCOMES”. The white rectangular boxes that label the stages across the top of the flowchart are connected with a black arrow flowing to the right.
The logo of the R2D2 Center is located in the upper left corner of the slide. The logo consists of a black square with the word “R2D2” in white above the word “Center” located inside of the black square. To the right of this square are the words “Rehabilitation Research Design and Disability Center” above the words “University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee”. The same logo, but on a slightly smaller scale, is also located in the lower right corner of the slide.