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Project OATS Final Report

IV.    Summary of Findings and Clinical Utility

1) The SFA and SchoolFact were identified as 2 potential AT outcome measures for the schools from a national set of 27.

2) Both the SFA and SchooFact were determined to require modification in order to begin to measure such outcomes

3) The modifications made to the SFA, called the AT Supplement to the SFA were effective in producing an instrument allowing therapists to make accurate interpretations about AT outcomes in the school setting.

4) Assistive technology is a significant factor in the Physical Tasks Adaptations Scales of the SFA but it is not the only factor. Therefore, the use of this scale as an assistive technology outcome instrument is questionable.

5) The Adaptations Scale is not applicable to all scoring situations. When a student is currently not using adaptations and not participating in activities as same aged peers inconsistencies in scoring may occur.

6) Preliminary data suggest that the AT Supplement to the SFA is sensitive enough to measure functional change due to AT intervention.

7) Pending confirmation of the preliminary statistical analysis (summer 2004), the AT Supplement to the SFA (Part III and checklist) would appear to measure AT outcomes in the schools until a better measure is available.

8) There appears to be substantial difference in AT contributions to performance between Physical and Cognitive/Behavioral Tasks as defined in the SFA. Our data suggest that AT alters Physical Task performance, but does not seem to with Cognitive/Behavioral Task performance.