Bibliography 2011-2015: Access Ratings for Buildings (ARB) Project

Refereed Publications and Proceedings
Johnson, N, Saxena,P, Williams, D, Bangole, O.C., Hasan, K, Ahamed, S.I., Smith, R.O., & Tomashek, D. (2015). Smartphone-based light and sound intensity calculation application for accessibility measurement. Poster session at the RESNA 38th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice and Policy. Denver, CO.
Spaeth, N.L., Tomashek, D., & Smith, R.O. (2015). AccessPlace: Personalized accessibility information for buildings. Platform session at the RESNA 38th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice and Policy. Denver, CO.
Tomashek, D., Baumann, R., & Smith, R.O. (2015). Dining experiences and the impact of accessibility information for people with disabilities: A pilot study. Platform session at the RESNA 38th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice and Policy. Denver, CO.
White, K. & Smith, R.O. (2015). Determining accessibility for iOS applications: A checklist for practitioners. Platform session at the RESNA 38th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice and Policy. Denver, CO.
Williams, D, Johnson, N, Bangole, O.C., Hasan, K, Tomashek, D, Ahamed, S.I. & Smith, R.O. (2015). Access Tools: Developing a Usable Smartphone-Based Tool for Determining Building Accessibility. Platform session at the RESNA 38th International Conference on Technology and Disability
Negar, N., Williams, D., Schwartz, J., Ahamed, S. I., & Smith, R. O. (2014). Smartphone-based light intensity calculation application for accessibility measurement. Proceedings of the RESNA 37th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Indianapolis, IN.
Smith, R. O., Schwartz, J., & Ahamed, S. I. (2014). Access rating for buildings: A smartphone based system promoting community accessibility. Proceedings of the RESNA 37th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Indianapolis, IN.
Anson, D. Schwartz, J. K. Smith, R.O. (2013). Environmental accessibility assessment: Alternative approaches for alternate users. Proceedings of the RESNA 36th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Bellevue, WA.
Gani, O., O'Brien, C., Ahamed, S., & Smith, R. O. (2013). RSSI based indoor localization for smartphone using fixed and mobile wireless node. IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 110-117. doi: 10.1109/COMPSAC.2013.18
Jahangir, A. K. M., Majumder, A., Zerin, I., Uddin, M., Ahamed, S., & Smith, R. O. (2013). SmartPrediction: A real-time smartphone-based fall risk prediction and prevention system. ACM- Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems, 434-439.
Jahangir, A. K. M., Majumder, A., Ahamed, S. I., & Smith, R. O. (2013). iDistanceM: A real-time smartphone-based distance measurement for the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Assessment Tool. Proceedings of the RESNA 36th Annual Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Bellevue, WA.
Rahman, F., O'Brien, C., Ostberg, C., Negar, N., Duc, D., Ahamed, S. I., et al. (2013). Measuring font signage with a smartphone application for ADAAG compliance assessment. Proceedings of the RESNA 36th Annual Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Bellevue, WA.
Schwartz, J. K. O'Brien, C. Edyburn, K. Ahamed, S.I. Smith, R.O. (2013). Smartphone based solutions to measure the built environment and enable participation. Proceedings of the RESNA 36th Annual Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Bellevue, WA.
Refereed Presentations
Proffitt, R., Morris, J., Wallace, T., Schwartz, J., Smith, R. O., & Finestone, H. (2015). Developing, testing, and implementing technologies and video games into clinical practice. Presentation at the ACRM 92nd Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research (PIRR), Dallas, TX.
Schwartz, J. K., Proffitt, R., Foreman, M, and Smith, R. O. (2015). The role of an occupational therapist in the development of apps, games, and other software: An emerging practice area. Poster at the 95th Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Nashville, TN.
Smith, R.O. & Schwartz, J. K. (2015). Access ratings for buildings: A novel smartphone based evaluation & intervention for community accessibility. Poster at the American Occupational Therapy 95th Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN. Refereed.
Tomashek, D. & Smith, R.O. (2015). AccessTools for measuring the accessibility of buildings. Tech Day session at the 95th Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Nashville, TN.
Smith, R.O. & Tomashek, D. (2015). Apps for rating the accessibility of buildings. Presentation at the 15th Annual Assistive Technology Industry Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
Tomashek, D. & Smith, R.O. (2015). Development of assessment apps: Unique development & testing requirements. Presentation at the 15th Annual Assistive Technology Industry Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
Baumann, R., Schwartz, J., & Smith, R. O. (2014). Creating accessible mobile applications: A case study of lessons and challenges. Paper presented at the RESNA 37th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice & Policy, Indianapolis, IN.
Smith, R. O., Schwartz, J., & Anson, D. (2014). Smart tools for evaluating the built environment. Presentation at the 94th Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference and Expo, Baltimore, MD.
Smith, R. O., & Schwartz, J. (2014). Access rating for buildings: A smartphone based system for accessibility. Presentation at the 94th Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Smith, R. O., & Schwartz, J. K. (2014). So you want to make an app?: A case study of app development for OT evaluation and intervention. Presentation at the 94th Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference and Expo, Baltimore, MD.
Smith, R. O., & Schwartz, J. (2014). The development of access rating for buildings: Apps for community access. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Occupational Science Summit, Philadelphia, PA.
Schwartz, J., & Smith, R. O. (2014). Development of an app based evaluation of the community environment. Paper at the 94th Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Tomashek, D., Smith, R. O., Schwartz, J., & Ahamed, S. I. (2014). Development, concurrent validity, and instrument reliability of the access slope mini-tool mobile app. Paper at the RESNA 37th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Indianapolis, IN.
Edyburn, K., Schwartz, J., Smith, R.O., (2013). A case study: Development of Access Ratings for Buildings "Consumer" mobile app. Paper at the RESNA 36th International Conference on Technology and Disability: Research, Design, Practice, & Policy, Indianapolis, IN.
Mendonca, R., Smith, R. O., Pickens, N., Struckmeyer, L., Anson, D., & Schwartz, J. K. (2013). Evaluating accessibility in the world around you: Assessment tools and approaches for public spaces, home residences, products, information, and educational materials. Paper presented at the 93rd Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA.
Schwartz, J. K., & Smith, R. O. (2013). Access Ratings for Buildings: Measuring building accessibility in the community environment. Paper presented at the Second Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Chicago, IL.
Park, M. & Smith, R.O. (2011). Preliminary Validation of the Restaurant Accessibility and Task Evaluation Information Tool (RATE-IT): Content and Construct Validity. Paper presented at American Occupational Therapy Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PA).
Park, M., Smith, R.O. & Liegl, K. (2011). Preliminary Validation of the Restaurant Accessibility and Task Evaluation Information Tool (RATE-IT): Content and Construct Validity, Presented at Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of America (RESNA), Toronto, Canada.
Liegl, K.P., Lemke, M.R., Park, M., Erfurth, A., & Smith, R.O. (2011). Differences between Architecture and Occupational Therapy Student Perceptions of Restaurant Accessibility using the RATE-IT Evaluation Tool. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ithaca, New York (NY).
Liegl, K.P., & Lemke, M.R. (2011). Student Perceptions of the RATE-IT evaluation tool and usefulness of RATE-IT scores for people with disabilities. Presented at the 11th Annual University of Wisconsin System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Parkside, Wisconsin (WI).
Baumann, R. (2014). Effect of accessibility information on restaurant selection of consumers with disabilities. UWM Library: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
Park, M (2011). Preliminary Validation of the Restaurant Accessibility and Task Evaluation Information Tool (RATE-IT): Content and Construct Validity. UWM Library: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
Erfurth, A (2011). Measurement of restaurant accessibility by people with disabilities: Preliminary consequential and construct validity of a restaurant universal design assessment. UWM Library: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2012) AccessFont (Alpha Research Version Build 4.1(1.0)). [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2015) AccessLight (Alpha Research Version Build 6.0(4.0)). [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2015) AccessPlace Mobile (Alpha Research Version 2.0.0( [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2015) ARB AccessPlace Website. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Retrieved from
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2015) AccessRuler (Alpha Research Version Build 2.0(22)). [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2015) AccessSlope (Alpha Research Version Build 6.0(4.0)). [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2015) AccessSound (Alpha Research Version Build 2.7(18)). [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2015) AccessTools (Alpha Research Version Build 3.0(1)#2). [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability Center. (2011) Restaurant Accessibility and Task Evaluation Information Tool (RATE-IT) (Alpha Research Version). [Mobile Application Software]. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.