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Equivalent Text Explanation

A. ET Components

The R2D2 Center provides ET for all non-text elements. Our ETs contains three distinct levels for clarity and depth of information for the user:

  1. Brief Description- Short statement including type and purpose of multimedia information. (approximately 10 words or less)
  2. Summary Description- Concise description that explains meaning and core content of multimedia information in the context of its use. What does the creator want the audience to understand? (approximately 1 - 2 paragraphs)
  3. Detailed Description- Visual description of multimedia information with significant pictorial aspects in the context of its use; may include lay-out, colors, logos, designs, etc. (may be one or several paragraphs)

B. Equivalent Text Rationale

Not all individuals have equal ability to access information in a non-text format. Non-text information displays are inaccessible if they cannot be viewed or accurately interpreted by the user. "Equivalent Text" (ET) is essential to increase accessibility of non-text information, providing meaning and clarity to inaccessible information. They supply the user with an alternative and supplemental form of information access; bringing meaning, application and clarity to inaccessible information, providing a way to expand information distribution and accessibility.

C. ET on R2D2 Website

For images displayed on the web, all three elements are represented:

  1. The Brief Description is used in the title attribute. In a text browser, this will be displayed as a header over the Alternative Text. In a standard graphical browser, this content will be displayed as a tool-tip when the user hovers over the image.
  2. The Summary Description is used in the alt (Alternative Text) attribute. In a text browser, this will be displayed below the title in place of the image. In a standard graphical browser, this content will be displayed if the image file is missing.
  3. The Detailed Description is linked to in the longdesc attribute as well as by the image itself. The detailed description page contains a thumbnail of the image, the brief description, summary description, detailed description, and a link back to the referring page.