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A Primer in Assistive Technology Outcomes

How does one get started in learning about assistive technology outcomes? Often, it is a difficult task since the topic is still in its infancy and the literature is widely scattered. As a result, we have found it useful to share this primer in assistive technology outcomes as a means of providing interested readers with a place to start. Obviously, given space constraints, this document can not serve as a comprehensive introduction to the topic. Nonetheless, we believe it will provide professionals and students with an accessible introduction to the topic of assistive technology outcomes.


RESNA (1998). Volume I: RESNA Resource Guide for Assistive Technology Outcomes: Measurement Tools. Arlington, VA: author.

RESNA (1998). Volume II: RESNA Resource Guide for Assistive Technology Outcomes: Assessment Instruments, Tools, & Checklists from the Field. Arlington, VA: author.

RESNA (1998). Volume III: RESNA Resource Guide for Assistive Technology Outcomes: Developing Domains of Need and Criteria of Services. Arlington, VA: author.

Selected Articles

DeRuyter, F. (1995). The importance of outcome measures for assistive technology service delivery systems. Technology and Disability, 6, 89-104.

Fennema-Jansen, S. (2001). Measuring effectiveness: Technology to support writing. Special Education Technology Practice, 3(1), 16-21.

Jutai, J., Ladak, N., Schuller, R., Naumann, S.,& Wright, V. (1996). Outcomes measurement of assistive technologies: An institutional case study. Assistive Technology, 8, 110-120.

Minkel, J.L. (1996). Assistive technology and outcome measurement: Where do we begin? Technology and Disability, 5, 285-288.

Scherer, M.J.; (1996). Outcomes of assistive technology use on quality of life. Disability and Rehabilitation, 18(9), 439-448.

Smith, R.O. (Ed.). (1996). Measuring assistive technology outcomes: Theoretical and practical considerations. Assistive Technology, 8(2), 71-130.

Special Issues of Journals Devoted to AT Outcomes

Edyburn, D.L. (2000). Technology and assessment. Diagnostique. 25(4), special issue.

Smith, R.O. (Ed.). (1996). Measuring assistive technology outcomes: Theoretical and practical considerations. Assistive Technology, 8(2), special issue.

Web Sites

Assistive Technology Outcomes(Archived Copy)

ATOMS Project


Collegial Study Groups: A Strategy for Creating Shared Visions about Assistive Technology Outcomes in School-Based Services

Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology