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Return to Figure 4 in the "Discontinuance" report

Figure 4: PN Scale

positive negative scale

Figure 4 displays the seven point Positive-Negative (PN) Scale, which ranges from -3 to 3.  It is a subjective Likert-like scale that contains several anchor points distributed horizontally.  The left side indicates negative discontinuance while the right side represents positive discontinuance.  The two end anchor points consist of “Device did not meet your needs” (on the left) and “Device met your needs and now you are done with it” (on the right).  Beginning from left to right are the following seven points: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, and 3. Each participant is instructed to fill in a circle above the number he/she chooses as his/her level of discontinuance.

Return to Figure 4 in the "Discontinuance" report