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Figure 2: Essential iterative process to assemble a data collection system

This figure describes an iterative process needed to assemble a data collection system which is based on the integrated nature of hardware, software, human interface and environmental constraints. Software and hardware are constantly changing and a data collection research tool should be based upon software and hardware which remain stable long enough so that studies can be replicated.

Long description

Figure 2 describes the steps of an iterative process required to assemble a data collection system. On top there are two circles one inside another which has the text ‘Outcome in Context’ written in it. This is to depict that one has to make a decision about what outcome one is looking for and in what context the outcome needs to be used. Below this is inverted trapezoid with the text ‘Measurement Scales’ written in it. This indicated that the individual creating the data collection system needs to decide what measurement scales they are using for the data collection. Next comes a rectangle with the smaller sides rounded. It has the text ‘Hardware and Software’ written in it. There are arrows going both from ‘Measurement Scales’ to ‘Hardware and Software’ and vice versa. This is to show that both are dependent on each other. The type of data to be collected and the measurement scales used will determine the hardware and software that can be used for the data collection system. Similarly it is necessary to look at the types of hardware and software packages available that will allow the scale to be used. The next step comes within a thick arrow and is the Design of study protocol and data collection procedures. The last two steps are data transmission and data storage and aggregation. The last four steps starting with selecting the hardware and software and going on to the design of study protocol and data collection procedures and ending with data transmission and data storage and aggregation are all iterative processes and depend on each other.

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