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Figure 1

A figure conveying the significance of the proposed ATOMS logo

Summary Description:  The ATOMS Project logo that looks like the graphical portrayal of the atom as it is adopted from physics.  The logo intends to represent the assistive technology consumer in the middle of four revolving different colored ellipses that represent the medical, educational, vocational rehabilitation and independent living assistive technology service models.

Detailed Description: The focus of this figure is the detail of the ATOMS Project logo. The center of the detail is black and crescent shaped and represents the individual as the center. Surrounding the crescent shape are four elliptical rings representing the educational, medical, vocational, and independent living models where people with disabilities need to function, obtain funding, and demonstrate outcomes of assistive technology devices and services.

This figure shows an ATOMS logo detail in the center of a black outlined box and the ATOMS Project logo depicted smaller in the lower left hand corner. The ATOMS logo detail is a black crescent shaped center surrounded by 4 different colored, incomplete, elliptical rings. In black lettering to the left of the detail are the words ‘Person Centered’ with a dashed line and arrow pointing to the crescent shaped center. Surrounding the black crescent, embedded within the rings are the words “Independent Living Model” in red lettering above and slightly to the right of the crescent shape and within the red ring, “Medical Model” in purple lettering to the right of the crescent and within the purple ring; “Educational Model” in blue lettering, below and to the right of the crescent shape and within the blue ring; and “Vocational Model” in green lettering below the crescent and within the green ring.

In the lower left hand corner is the ATOMS Project logo which contains the black crescent surrounded by the colored elliptical rings and the words ATOMS Project. The letters AT (in black) are larger and imbedded in one of the rings. The letters OMS (in blue) are slightly smaller and next to the letters AT. The word project is smaller and centered directly below the letter OMS.

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