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Appendix A: Assistive Technology Infusion Project Flow Chart Text Description

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Brief Description:

This image is titled the "Assistive Technology Infusion Project (ATIP) Flow Chart" and depicts the process designed by ATIP staff to infuse assistive technology into the Ohio K-12 public schools.

Summary Description:

This flowchart for the Assistive Technology Infusion Project (ATIP) provides a visual overview of the process to infuse assistive technology into the Ohio K-12 public schools.

The flowchart begins with obtaining the application and depicts two main pathways one takes depending on whether their application has been approved or denied.  If their application has been denied, there are options for the applicant to reapply with hopes of approval.  However, if the application is denied three times, the individual must stop and uphold the reviewers’ decision.

Detailed Description:

At the top of the page is a collage of images representing children in a classroom and working at computers.  Immediately below this image, to the bottom right, is the address for the ATIP.  "Assistive Technology Infusion Project, 470 Glenmont Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43214-3292".  The flowchart begins below this address and centered on the page.

The flowchart is represented by a series of rectangular boxes containing text and linked by lines.  The top portion of the flowchart consists of five boxes, one below the next with a single short vertical line connecting the box above with the box below.  This segment of the flowchart represents the initial application process.  The box on the top reads "Applications available on-line".  Beneath the first box is a second box that reads "Applicant selects target child and the team completes the application".  The third box is beneath the second and reads "Application is submitted to ATIP electronically".  Beneath the third box is the fourth box that reads "Applications reviewed and scored by Committee".  Finally at the bottom of this five box series is the fifth box that reads "Ranking determined by statistical analysis program.

From this fifth box are two pathways represented by diagonal lines.  The diagonal line on the right leads to a nine box series representing the process an individual takes when an application is denied.  The diagonal line on the left leads to a seven box series representing the process when an application is accepted.  From top to bottom each of these series of boxes is connected by a short vertical line just like the five box series at the top of the flowchart.

Following the diagonal line on the right, the top box reads "Application denied".  This is the segment that explains the process an individual takes when an application is denied.  The box just below this reads "Applicant notified".  Below this box is another reading "Applicant modifies proposal according to the reviewer comments and submits it the next round".  From here are three pathways.  The pathway on the right has a short vertical line leading down to a box that reads "Applicant does not resubmit (STOP)".  The pathway in the middle also has a short vertical line leading down to a box that reads "Application denied a 2nd time".  The pathway on the left has a diagonal line leading down to a box that reads "Application approved".  The flowchart continues from the box in the middle pathway that read "Application denied a 2nd time" and continues with a short vertical line leading down to a box that reads "Applicant appeals".  From here are two pathways.  The pathway on the right consists of a short vertical line leading down to a box reading "Decision upheld (STOP)".  The pathway on the left also consists of a short vertical line leading down to a box but reads "Decision overturned/Application Approved".  This box has a long diagonal line leading all the way up to the top of the seven box series that begins with "Application approved".  This diagonal line represents the second method of reaching this box.  The first method of reaching that box was to follow the left pathway from the box reading "Ranking determined by statistical analysis program". 

From top to bottom, the seven box series that depicts the process an individual takes when their application is approved is on the left side of the flow chart and stems from the left pathway from the box reading "Ranking determined by statistical analysis program".  This series is connected by short vertical lines.  Again, the top box reads "Application approved" and leads to the second box reading "Applicant, District Contact and Superintendent is notified".  This leads down to the third box reading "ATIP transfers funds electronically to district fiscal agent Treasurer notified".  The fourth box in the series reads "School District orders assistive technology approved".  After that is the fifth box reading "Applicant implements plan with target child".  Next is the sixth box that reads "Application provides required documentation to ATIP".  Finally, the seventh box is at the bottom of this series and reads "ATIP analyzes data".  This completes the flowchart.

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