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Appendix I: Assistive Technology Infusion Project Reviewer's Rubric, Level 2 ($3,001 and Above) Text Description

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Brief Description:

This image is titled "Assistive Technology Infusion Project ATIP Reviewer's Rubric, Level 2 ($3,001 and Above)" and depicts the rubric to be used when reviewing a proposal for AT.

Summary Description:

This figure details the scoring rubric used by reviewers to evaluate each proposal.  The rubric used is dependent on the level of funding requested; there are two levels.  Level 1 is a proposal for under $3,000 while Level 2 is a proposal over $3,001.  This is a figure for the Level 2 Scoring Rubric.  The reviewer bases their evaluation on seven main sections and a total of 16 subsections, which provides sufficient information to make a judgment about the proposal.

Detailed Description:

This image spans seven pages laid out in landscape format.  At the top of the page is the title "Assistive Technology Infusion Project, ATIP Reviewer's Rubric, Level 2 ($3,001 and Above)".  The rubric is broken down into seven main sections.  Within each section are one or more subsections, totaling 16.

The first main section is titled "I. Problem Identification", within which are three subsections.  The first subsection is titled "1. Present Level of Performance (I.A.)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Student abilities are not addressed or do not relate to educational/developmental performance.  No data gathering techniques are indicated".  Number two provides the description "Student abilities are unclear or limited with vague relationship to educational/developmental performance.  No data gathering techniques are indicated."  Number three provides the description "Abilities listed are general descriptions of the student and not clearly related to educational/developmental performance.  Some indication of data gathering techniques used."  Number four provides the description "Some ability areas are addressed in relation to educational/developmental performance, however, key components are missing.  Some indication of data gathering techniques used."  Number five provides the description "Presents a clear picture of student ability in relation to educational/developmental performance.  Appropriate data gathering techniques support the present level of performance."

The second subsection of "I. Problem Identification" is titled "2. Critical Need (I.B.)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Critical needs are not identified or are not appropriate for this application".  Number two provides the description "The identified needs address broad educational/developmental concerns that are not unique to this student (i.e. classroom equipment)".  Number three provides the description "The identified needs are not specific to educational/developmental concerns (i.e. "student needs cowriter software")."  Number four provides the description "The identified needs are specific to this student but do not address specific educational/developmental tasks (i.e. "student has an underdeveloped pincer grasp, student writes at a fourth grade level")."  Number five provides the description "The identified needs address broad educational/developmental concerns that are specific to this student but do not identify specific tasks (i.e. "student needs to write better")."  Number six provides the description "The identified needs clearly describe specific educational/developmental tasks that are unique to this student. (i.e. "student needs to produce 2 pages of legible notes quickly during class lectures")."

The third subsection of "I. Problem Identification" is titled "3. Tasks and Environments (I.B)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Environments for participation are not identified".  Number two provides the description "Broadly identifies environments for participation but does not relate to identified educational or developmental needs (i.e. will be allowed to take computer home)".  Number three provides the description "Broadly identifies environments for participation but does not relate to identified educational or developmental needs (i.e. will be allowed to take computer home)".  Number three provides the description "Broadly identifies environments for participation that indirectly relate to identified educational or developmental needs (i.e. in the classroom)."  Number four provides the description "Specifically describes educational or developmental needs throughout the classroom environment (i.e. during morning circle, at the computer station)".  Number five provides the description "Specifically describes educational or developmental needs throughout the school environment (i.e. at the lunch table)".  Number six provides the description "Specifically describes educational or developmental needs across multiple environments (i.e. home, community, work)."

The fourth subsection of "I. Problem Identification" is titled "4. Past and Current Accommodations/Modifications (I.C)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Accommodations are vague and are not related to the needs identified or current technology recommended."  Number two provides the description "Provides minimal documentation of current and past accommodations.  Show no relationship to the needs identified or current technology recommended".  Number three provides the description "Provides documentation of current and past accommodations.  Minimal relationship to the needs identified or current technology recommended.  Length of use and effectiveness is not addressed."  Number four provides the description "Provides documentation of current and past accommodations.  Minimal relationship to the needs identified or current technology recommended.  Length of use and effectiveness is minimally addressed."  Number five provides the description "Provides documentation of current and past accommodations that relate to the identified needs and supports current technology recommendation.  Length of use and effectiveness is not addressed for all items listed."  Number six provides the description "Provides appropriate documentation of current and past accommodations that relate to the identified needs and supports current technology recommendation.  Length of use and effectiveness is addressed for each accommodation listed."

The second main section is titled "II. Solution Generation", within which are three subsections.  The first subsection is titled "5. Feature Match (II.D)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Description of features is inaccurate.  Identifies specific product rather than describing necessary features."  Number two provides the description "The vendor list of product features is provided; specifications are not described in relation to the student's needs."  Number three provides the description "A general description of the request tool is given with minimal reference to the student's needs or abilities."  Number four provides the description "A list of system features is provided with minimal connection to this specific student."  Number five provides the description "A basic list of custom features is provided with stated relationships to the student's needs and abilities."  Number six provides the description "A complete list of custom features is clearly defined and the relationship to the student needs and abilities is clearly stated."

The second subsection of "II. Solution Generation" is titled "6. Continuum of Options and Trial Use (II.E)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "No evidence is provided that other technology options were considered.  No justification is provided for not considering other options.  No trial use or simulation was conducted."  Number two provides the description "No evidence is provided that other technology options were considered, minimal justification is provided as to why only this assistive technology was considered.  No trial use or simulation was conducted."  Number three provides the description "Provides evidence that at least one other technology was considered.  Minimal justification is provided as to why this technology is best for the student.  Trial use or simulation assessment was conducted, but results are unclear."  Number four provides the description "A continuum of several options was considered with minimal justification on the system that is best for the student. Trial use or simulation assessment was conducted, but results are unclear."  Number five provides the description "A continuum of several options was considered with basic justification on the system that is best for this student.  Trial use or simulation assessment was conducted, but results are unclear."  Number six provides the description "A continuum of several options, including those that are comparable, was considered with clear justification on the system that is best for this student.  Realistic trial use or simulation was conducted with clear results."

The third main section is titled "III. Solution Selection".  The only subsection is titled "7. Selection Criteria (III.F)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "List of selected technologies incomplete or inappropriate.  Requested technologies do not fulfill the intent of this project."   Number two provides the description "List of selected technologies includes some inappropriate items (service contracts, unjustified AT request, etc…). No comparison to other options."  Number three provides the description "Selected technologies are listed appropriately with a basic description of how this will meet individual student needs.  No indication of impact on educational/developmental performance.  Minimal comparison made to other options."  Number four provides the description "Selected technologies are listed appropriately with a basic description of how this will meet identified needs and impact educational/developmental performance.  Minimal comparison made to other options."  Number five provides the description "Appropriate technologies are selected and clearly address student needs and educational/developmental performance.  Some comparison made to other options."  Number six provides the description "Appropriate technologies are selected and clearly address student needs and educational/developmental performance.  Provides evidence of why this option was selected over others, including consideration of cost-effective solution."

The fourth main section is titled "IV. Implementation".  The first subsection is titled "8. Goal Setting (IV.H)."  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Goals are not related to the current student needs or requested technology."  Number two provides the description "goals are not written in measurable terms or student performance outcomes."  Number three provides the description "Goals are incomplete or only vaguely related to the student need or requested technology."  Number four provides the description "Goals are written with student performance outcomes.  Some goals do no relate directly to the identified need or requested technology."  Number five provides the description "Goals are written in terms of student performance outcomes and are related to identified student needs."  Number six provides the description "Measurable goals are provided that specify student outcomes.  Goals are related to identified student needs."

The second subsection of "IV. Implementation" is titled "9. Evaluation Plan (IV. I)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Provides no plan for collecting data to evaluate student progress toward expected goals."  Number two provides the description "Plan to evaluate student progress toward expected goals is loosely defined or unrelated to the goals listed".  Number three provides the description "The evaluation process is somewhat defined and relates to goals listed but does not include either of the required components (frequency and techniques) for data collection".  Number four provides the description "The evaluation process is somewhat defined but does not include one of the required components (frequency and techniques) for collecting data.  Number five provides the description "The evaluation process is clearly defined including techniques and frequency for collecting data but is not directly related to the goals listed."  Number six provides the description "The evaluation process is clearly defined including techniques and frequency for collecting data and relates specifically to the goals listed."

The third subsection of "IV. Implementation" is titled "10. Team Members and Responsibilities (IV.J)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Only 1 or 2 people are listed as team members.  Responsibilities are not clearly defined."  Number two provides the description "Parents/Guardian and/or student involvement is not addressed.  Responsibilities are vaguely defined or do not address all the assistive technology services requested."  Number three provides the description "Parents/guardian and/or student involvement is included on a very limited team.  Responsibilities are vaguely defined or do not address all assistive technology services."  Number four provides the description "Team includes parents/guardian and/or student, but is missing one or more individuals necessary for implementation in the educational setting.  Responsibilities are defined but do not address all required assistive technology services."  Number five provides the description "Team consists of most of the individuals necessary for implementation in the educational setting, including parents and/or student.  Responsibilities are defined but do not address all factors."  Number six provides the description "Team consists of all necessary individuals for implementation in the educational setting, including parents/guardian and/or student.  Clearly defined responsibilities address all factors."

The fifth main section is titled "V. Local Share".  The first subsection is "11. Past Supports and Services (V.K)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "No indication of district supports or services for implementing assistive technology is provided".  Number two provides the description "Past district supports and services are insufficient to determine district commitment".  Number three provides the description "Limited supports and services for implementation of assistive technology are listed with minimal indication of how this has impacted the student or the current recommendation".  Number four provides the description "District has provided some past assistive technology supports and services to support student progress. These have lead to current recommendations."  Number five provides the description "In the past, the district has provided most assistive technology supports and services needed for student progress.  These have lead to the current recommendations."  Number six provides the description "The full range of assistive technology supports and services provided by the district in the past clearly have facilitated student progress and have lead to the current recommendations. (ie, trials, assessment)."

The second subsection of "V. Local Share" is "12. Proposed Supports and Services (V.K)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one is described as "District has not listed any proposed supports or services for the requested assistive technology."  Number two is described as "Proposed assistive technology supports and services are not adequately listed to indicate commitment."  Number three is described as "Minimal assistive technology supports and services are proposed and do not reflect the main components necessary for student outcomes."  Number four is described as "Proposed assistive technology supports and services include some main components that will lead to student outcomes."  Number five is described as "Proposed assistive technology supports and service are listed to include most main components to lead to student outcomes."  Number six is described as "Detailed plans for continued assistive technology supports and services are identified, including plans for implementation, continued team problems solving, training, repair, and maintenance, etc."

The third subsection of "V. Local Share" is "13. Other Funding Options (V.L)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "No indications of efforts toward alternate funding are indicated."  Number two provide the description "Student eligibility for other funding sources was considered but not pursued.  No results/explanation provided."  Number three provides the description "Student eligibility for other funding sources was considered but not pursued.  Results/explanation provided."  Number four provides the description "Student eligibility for other funding sources was considered and pursued.  No results/explanation provided."  Number five provides the description "Student eligibility for other funding sources was considered and pursued.  Results/explanation provided."  Number six provides the description "Student eligibility for other funding sources was considered and pursued appropriately and will be used to provide AT no requested in this grant."

The sixth main heading is "VI. Significance".  The first subsection is "14. District Technology Plan Integration (VI.M)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one is described as "Impact on the delivery of assistive technology in the building and the district is not addressed.  No reference to district technology plan."  Number two is described as" Impact on the delivery of assistive technology in the building or the district is not addressed.  General components in the district technology plan could include assistive technology but are unclear indication only."  Number three is described as "Impact on the delivery of assistive technology in the building or district is not addressed.  General plans for including assistive technology in the overall district plan are described."  Number four is described as "Impact on the delivery of assistive technology in the building and district is vague.  General plans for including assistive technology in the overall district plan are described."  Number five is described as "Clearly describes impact on the delivery of assistive technology in the building or the district but not both.  Proposed integration of assistive technology in the district technology plan is clearly defined."  Number six is described as "Clearly describes impact on the delivery of assistive technology in the building and the district.  The district technology plan indicates a strong commitment to provide assistive technology for students."

The second subsection of "VI. Significance" is "15. Access to General Curriculum (VI.N)".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.   Number one provides the description "Participation and progress in general education are not addressed".  Number two provides the description "Participation and progress in general education are addressed but not in relation for this student".  Number three provides the description "Student's participation and progress in general education are specifically addressed but no indication that the technology requested will have an impact".  Number four provides the description "Some indications that the requested technology will increase participation in general education for this student".  Number five provides the description "Some indications that the requested technology will support progress in general education for this student".  Number six provides the description "Clear indications that the requested technology will increase student participation and progress in the general curriculum."

The final main section is titled "Overall Impression" and has one subsection titled "16. Overall Impression".  A chart with two rows and six columns is below this heading.  The top row provides a number while the bottom row provides a corresponding description.  From left to right are the numbers one to six.  Number one provides the description "Unsatisfactory:  The application does not meet the intent of this project."  Number two provides the description "Poor:  This application was difficult to read.  It is not based on an individual student's unique needs."  Number three provides the description "Fair:  This application provides a basic description of the student's unique needs.  The assistive technology selected does not meet the student's needs."  Number four provide the description "Good:  The application clearly reflects an individual student's unique needs.  The technology selected is adequate to meet this student's needs."  Number five provides the description "Very Good:  The application clearly reflects an individual student's unique needs and selects the appropriate technology to meet this student's needs.  There is some evidence that a team problem-solving process was utilized."  Number six provides the description "Excellent:  This application was concise and well written.  It clearly reflected an individual student's unique needs and selects the appropriate technology to meet this student's needs.  There are strong indications that a well formed team problem-solving process was utilized".

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