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Appendix B: ATIP Project Timeline

Round One Calendar and Details

Date Details
09/13/02 ODE Announces Federal Grant Approval
10/08/02 Request for Proposal (RFP) Available to Districts
11/14/02 Grant Application Deadline
01/22/02-02/01/02 Intent to Award Letters Sent to District
02/14/03 Superintendent Assurance Form Due
03/08/02 - 03/15/02 Funds Transferred to Districts
03/22/02 Funds Encumbered by Districts
04/12/02 IEP and Initial AT District Profile Due
11/13/02 1st Student Performance Profile Due
05/13/03 2nd Student Performance Profile Due
06/13/03 FER and Invoices Due
06/13/03 Follow-up AT District Profile Due

Round Two Calendar and Details

Date Details
1/30/02 Grant Application Available on ATIP Web Site
4/12/02 Grant Application Deadline
08/19/02 Intent to Award Letters Sent to District
09/13/02 Superintendent Assurance Due
09/13/02 Initial AT District Profile Due (if needed)
10/25/02 Funds Transferred to Districts
11/13/02 IEP and 1st Student Performance Profile Due
11/15/02 Funds Encumbered by District
06/13/03 2nd Student Performance Profile Due
06/13/03 FER and Invoices Due
06/13/03 Follow-up AT District Profile Due

Round Three Calendar and Details

Date Details
08/16/02 Grant Application Available on ATIP Web Site
10/16/02 Grant Application Deadline
11/20/02 Grant Application Deadline Extension
02/10/03 Intent to Award Letters Sent to District
03/13/03 Superintendent Assurance Form Due
03/13/03 Initial AT District Profile Due (if needed)
03/26/03-04/11/03 Funds Transferred to Districts
05/13/03 IEP and 1st Student Performance Profile Due
05/23/03 Funds Encumbered by District
06/13/03 FER and Invoices Due
06/13/04 Follow-up AT District Profile Due

Round Four Calendar and Details

Date Details
12/12/02 Grant Application Available on ATIP Web Site
02/12/03 Grant Application Deadline
04/28/03 Intent to Award Letters Sent to District
05/27/03 Superintendent Assurance
06/11/03 - 06/25/03 Funds Transferred to Districts
06/24/03 IEP, Initial AT District Profile and 1st Student Performance Profile Due
07/31/03 Funds Encumbered by District
08/13/03 FER and Invoices Due
06/13/04 Follow-up AT District Profile and 2nd Student Performance Profile Due

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