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Appendix J: ATIP Superintendent Assurances Form Text Description

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Brief Description:

This form is titled "Assistive Technology Infusion Project Superintendent Assurances Form" and represents one of the forms an applicant must submit.

Summary Description:

This form is one of the documents that applicants were required to submit when applying for funding.  Requirements state a signed copy of a financial assurances document must be submitted. The Assistive Technology Infusion Project (ATIP) Superintendent Assurances Form fulfills these criteria.  At the bottom of the document are lines for the applicant to fill out the required information.

Detailed Description:

This is a document detailing the Assistive Technology Infusion Project's (ATIP) assurances.  Signing this form indicates awareness and approval of the application and assurances listed therein.  It also indicates that the School District Board of Education will continue support for the grant during the life of the grant regardless of changes in board membership or staff transitions.  The bottom portion of this document provides blanks for signature information.  More specifically one is to provide the following "PRINT Name of Superintendent", "Superintendent Signature", signature "Date", "District", and "County".  Upon completion of this document directions indicate "Complete and return to ATIP, c/o Kim Finnerty, 470 Glenmont Avenue, Columbus, OH 43214-3295."

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