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Technical Report - Vocational Rehabilitation Database Analysis: RSA-911 Case Service Report and Database Linking

RSA-911 Technical Report (PDF, 510KB)


State vocational rehabilitation (VR) systems/agencies collect and report summary data in a federally mandated format called the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Case Service Report, also known as the RSA-911. This article provides some background on the contents of the RSA-911 data and then describes plans for analysis of the RSA-911 and related vocational rehabilitation agency data. This database is of particularly interest because of its national scope, large size, annual collection of data, and inclusion of rehabilitation technology data. The ATOMS Project analyses of the RSA-911 database focus on the rehabilitation technology component of the database and how that data could be used to generate assistive technology outcomes information.

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Graphing of Rehabilitation Technology Data from the RSA-911