Photo Detail - MIH Image Gallery
The Milwaukee Idea Home is centered behind a large, elaborate sign in the photograph. The photo was taken from the backside of the grayish, pinkish two-story home. In the background of the picture is the Milwaukee Idea Home with a peaked roof. The house is not yet completed showing unfinished exterior walls. There are two windows on the second floor of the back of the house and one window on the first floor. Both windows still contain their sales stickers looking like they have just recently been installed. A large, hollow, green pipe lies next to the house towards the left side of the photograph. The ground surrounding the house has not yet been landscaped, and is instead covered with uneven dirt and various patches of rocks and pipes. A small cement walkway surrounds the back of the house.
In the foreground of the picture, seen in front of the house, is the large Milwaukee Idea Home sign. The large sign is broken into three main sections: Program Sponsors on the left-hand side, Milwaukee Idea Home background and explanation in the center and project partners on the right-hand side. Starting at the bottom under Program Sponsors is a white sign with a red title that states "The Wisconsin Partnership for Housing Development, Inc" with the company's red logo. The next sign directly above it is blue with white lettering stating "Wisconsin ENERGY STAR homes" and has two white logos on it. The next sign up, is black and says "WE energies" in white, and includes its orange and white circle logo that says "WE" in the center. A "Wells Fargo" sign is above it and written in yellow lettering, with a half red and black background. The white horse-drawn carriage logo is underneath the title. The next sign above that is black with white lettering "The City of Milwaukee" with a white outline of a building in the center. On the top is an orange sign with black lettering that says "Program Sponsors" and underneath that "providing multi-year support". In the center, between both of the wooden poles is a large black sign with white lettering that describes the Milwaukee Idea Home project. The logo is white and has black lettering with orange curvy lines underneath and a house outline above. The logo is above the project notification. Below the notification, The University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin's logo has been placed. On the right side under Project Partners are two signs both in orange that have different logos on them and a listing of the project sponsors. They include, the owner - "Independent First" and General Contractors - "Central City" logos. The next sign lists what the major funding corporations are. The last sign is white with black lettering and reveals the building permit that is necessary to construct the house.