AT Outcomes Bibliography Listing
The AT Outcomes Bibliography has been based on our 15 field scans, 3 focus group activities, 4 existing database reviews, and a number of instrument explorations and studies. Some of the following topics feeding the bibliography include the following:
- AT Instrument Update and Review
- Treatment of AT in Current/Emerging Health & Rehabilitation Outcome Measures
- Outcome Measures Used in AT Research & Development
- Next Generation Data Collection Technology
- Comparison of Cost Outcome Methods
- Use of Multi-attribute (MAU) and Bayes Approaches in Outcomes Data Collection
- Review of Taxonomies Related to Domains of Assistive Technology Outcomes
- Current Measurement Strategies for Isolating the Impact of Assistive Technology
- Legal Implications of Assistive Technology Outcomes Instruments
- History of Assistive Technology Outcomes
- Methods to Identify Assistive Technology Device Use
- Review of the Literature on AT Satisfaction Measurement
- Implications of qualitative research methods and qualitative data on AT outcomes systems
- Abandonment of AT devices
- Assistive Technology in the ICF
- Focus Group – Consumer
- Focus Group - Service Providers
- Focus Group - Open Town Halls
- Data Base Analysis - Service Delivery Programs Data Records
- Data Base Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation
- Data Base Analysis – National Health Information Survey – Disability (NHIS-D)
- Data Base Analysis– Ohio ATIP School-Based Outcomes
These references are available as a static reference list in APA format, sorted alphabetically by author. This HTML web page can be searched quickly using the “find” command in your browser.
AT Outcomes Bibliography Listing (More than 950 APA references; 213kB)